Suggestions For the GOP Playlist
Elissa Schappell wants to help the GOP select a great convention playlist, since all their favorite musicians won’t have anything to do with them. Originally appeared at The Weeklings THESE GUYS WANT...
View ArticleThe Question Is…. John Mayer or John Denver–YOU MUST CHOOSE!
For the rest of your life every time you hear music it will either only be John Mayer or John Denver. You CANNOT commit suicide or stop listening to music. WHICH ONE DO YOU CHOOSE? We can thank...
View ArticleSuggestions For the GOP Playlist
Elissa Schappell wants to help the GOP select a great convention playlist, since all their favorite musicians won’t have anything to do with them.Originally appeared at The WeeklingsTHESE GUYS WANT to...
View ArticleThe Question Is…. John Mayer or John Denver–YOU MUST CHOOSE!
For the rest of your lifeevery time you hear musicit will either only beJohn Mayer or John Denver. You CANNOT commit suicideor stop listening to music. WHICH ONE DO YOU CHOOSE? We can thank Joanna...
View ArticleRemembering the PMRC Campaign
When I tell people I was involved in activism from a young age, they think I am outright full of it. At first. I was sharp enough for my young age to actually understand what was going on. Tipper Gore...
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